Wednesday, April 16, 2008

You have to start somewhere....

(Deep breath)
I wanted my first post to be perfect. (sigh) I wanted to know how to do everything perfectly, tags, hyperlink, twitter etc. I can't wait until I understand it all. I need to share a private blog post on a classroom Ning that is 4 weeks old. I need to tell so many people thank you, and I will later. (I don't want to be accused of dropping names for my own gain.) For those of you who accidentally found my blog, please don't be too critical. I am a newbie, but an excited one.

I have just introduced my students to Ning's and Wiki's and their first collaborative project has been for them to create a wiki on Digital Citizenship. More about that in a later post. I just wanted to share the post I made to them because it describes somewhat the experiences I have had since I attended OTA 08. Remember the post below is to my students.


Many of you are asking yourselves this exact question. The Digital Citizenship Wiki project you are working on has been a challenge for you. I have watched you all in your groups have a standoff as to who you would choose to do all the work. It turned out that no one would take the job. The first two weeks, no one moved. Wildcat Squawk Talk Wiki was barely logged into and the project grades were poor. Week 3 the students who actually do care about a grade moved first. You see, I can see who has logged in and what they have done while they are there. The grades were better but having everyone in the group contributing was difficult. Groups demonstrated that they had the most difficulty organizing each member into specific tasks and collaborating in one place. Many wanted to do the project as individuals, but that won't work. I think you are back on track this week. We will see.

Back to the original question, "Mrs. Seifried! What are you doing to us?" I am trying to prepare you for the types of working conditions that you may encounter. I have been reading research, studying projects, learning new technologies, studying award winning global education projects. Often when exploring a new tool and I see it work for the first time, I am giggling. My dream is to see you get as excited as I do about learning. These new tools are cool! I AM SO EXCITED TO BE AN EDUCATOR TODAY! Things are changing, and for the better! The first thing is collaboration, I have met on-line educators who validate what I feel about education. I have found educators who inspire me to push for change and the confidence to defend these new methods. Poor Mrs. Barney, I have drug her on my learning journey. I WAS BUSTING AT THE SEAMS TO SHARE WHAT I WAS LEARNING. I was in full blown INFORMATION OVERLOAD. Fortunately, she liked what she saw and has embraced it and has branched out using these new tools. Okay, on one occasion she did say, "Stop it, I can't take any more. My head will explode."

Now I am going to drag you into what I am learning. Hopefully, before the end of the year, we will be running beside one another. How cool will it be to learn from each other? It actually happens now on occasion. I was so excited when JT asked to submit the 2 videos on CatTracks. I knew then ONE of my students got it. Today I am dragging you here to the keynote address of the Horizon Project. Please don't ask me what it is, instead do some research on it. Please watch and comment.
Horizon Project 2008

If you want to keep track of where I am going to learn new things you can track my bookmarks on Diigo and It is private now, but in a few days I will change it to public and you can search for Lifelonglearner. That is me. In a later post I will list the people I like to follow.

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